• Breaking News

    Monday, December 22, 2014

    : )-

    The world of arts/health continues to move steadily on through time and space regardless of the impending festivities and shut-downs. In the face of enforced bonhomie and gross consumption, I only hope I get an airfix happiness kit to solve all of life’s problems. As next years general election looms and wellbeing-by-numbers looks set to be on trend - and no doubt rolled out by all political parties and commodified - don’t be taken in by the propaganda. Much, much more to follow on this very soon.

    Sigur Ros - because its lovely 

    Thanks to those of you have registered your interest in contributing to the free arts/health event on February 12th, (details below on last weeks blog). If you fancy sharing your practice/research with critical friends, register your interest in no more than 150 words by emailing artsforhealth@aol.com

    The excellent Brian Chapman retired as director of LIME this week. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Brian over my last decade with Arts for Health - he’s one of the good guys and I wish him nothing but great things for his future. It’s fitting that one of his most recent projects with the Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has won two national awards. The children's hospital project - Starship X-Ray - was in competition with over 200 national/international projects. I’m thrilled that my former Arts for Health colleague Dawn Prescott is directing LIME through its transition into new premises within the hospital, and in whatever paths this organisation follows.

    Dementia and Imagination update...
    Read accounts of what’s happening across the three research sites, as well as hearing from our very own research artist, Penny Klepuszewska who shares some poignant reflections of her time on an NHS clinical dementia unit. Click on the image below for the latest newsletter.

    Arts and Health Seminar for PhD and Early Career Researchers
    Following on from the highly successful ESRC Seminar Series on Arts, Health and Wellbeing, an opportunity has arisen to hold an Arts and Health seminar for PhD students and early career researchers.
    When: 25th March 2015
    Where: University of Nottingham
    Why: To share knowledge, create networking opportunities and to think ahead
    If you would like to register your interest please email:

    New study reveals barriers to youth participation in arts
    “Young people from low income backgrounds still engage less in every category of arts and culture than their peers, according to the findings of a new survey, with the most significant differences relating to visiting exhibitions, involvement in music activities and heritage visits. (…) wider research suggests that not taking part in extra-curricular leisure activities as a child has a profound impact on life chances and can contribute to poorer children doing less well at school.”

    “The study also found, particularly among those from low income families, that low awareness of opportunities was compounded by a language barrier around the words used to describe arts and culture, and the report suggests that measures of cultural engagement may be using “outdated understanding that is irrelevant to today’s young people”. Read more by clicking on the poor, poor child who lived his life as a ventriloquists doll!

    So - in response to the issue, here are two funding opportunities focused on children an young people.

    Prince's Foundation for Children & the Arts - Start Programme
    Deadline: 30th Jan 2015
    The Start Programme provides funding and support for cultural organisations to develop and deliver arts enrichment programmes for primary and secondary school students in the UK. The Prince of Wales Children and the Arts Foundation is an educational charity that helps children experience the arts. The Start Programme provides funding and support for cultural organisations to develop and deliver arts enrichment programmes for primary and secondary school students. Start is an arts engagement programme providing the support, infrastructure and ideas for arts venues to connect with local schools who aren’t already engaging their pupils in creative experiences outside of school. The programme:
    Introduces young people to the arts.
    Inspires them to learn more.
    Enhances their experience through critical analysis and participation.
    Encourages them to create their own art.
    Financial support up to a maximum of £15,000 per project in years one and two and a maximum of £10,500 in year three is available. Read more by clicking on the poor ventriloquists doll, forced to live its life as a child.

    The Weavers Company Benevolent Fund 
    The Weavers' Company, a textile-related, charitable and sociable organisation, has announced that the next closing date for its grants programme is the 30th March 2015. The Weaver's Company Benevolent Fund supports projects working with disadvantaged young people (aged 5 to 30 years) to ensure that they are given every possible chance to meet their full potential and to participate fully in society. The Fund also aims to help young people at risk of criminal involvement to stay out of trouble and assist in the rehabilitation of offenders, particularly young offenders both in prison and after release. Grants are usually no more than £15,000 per annum, and to make sure grants of this size have an impact, we will not fund large organisations. To be eligible for funding, local organisations such as those working in a village, estate or small town should normally have an income of less than £100,000. Those working across the UK should normally have an income of not more than £250,000. Read more at: http://www.weavers.org.uk/charitable-grants/grant-application-guidelines 

    Calling all potters & ceramicists
    Deadline: 4th Jan
    Love Productions (the makers of BBC1's ‘The Great British Bake Off’) are currently researching a new programme for the BBC 2 for an exciting new programme about pottery. They are scouring the country for potters and ceramicists to take part in this new talent search that will test all the different aspects of their craft. Anyone who is interested in applying can request an application form at pottery@loveproductions.co.uk

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