• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 25, 2015

    Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2015: Speak Up and Speak Out

    By Deborah R. Glasofer, PhD

    Reviewed by B. Timothy Walsh, MD

    week marks Eating Disorders Awareness Week. It is a
    time to speak up about eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia
    nervosa and binge eating disorder. Many of us fall prey to messages about what
    is and is not beautiful or healthy. For people with eating disorders, however,
    the problem extends far beyond any messages heard from the outside world.
    Individuals with eating disorders struggle – perhaps because of their biology,
    or as a result of persistent behavioral patterns – with critical messages from
    within that define health or beauty narrowly or with great distortion.

    disorders do not discriminate. They impact women and men of all ages, races,
    and sizes, although they most often affect girls and women between 12 and 35
    years old.

    disorders do not tread lightly. These are dangerous illnesses characterized by
    behaviors (e.g., severely restrictive eating, purging) with potentially
    life-threatening physical consequences. They can negatively impact
    psychological health – obsessing about food, eating, or body size, rigidity in
    thinking, overall anxiety and mood – and carry an
    increased risk of suicide

    to learn more about the latest
    breakthroughs in eating disorders understanding and treatment,
    cognitive neuroscience and pharmaceutical research. Read up to learn more from
    the Columbia Center for Eating Disorders, a part of the New York State
    Psychiatric Institute, about spotting an
    eating disorder
    and approaching a

    (of any age), a teammate, friend, or
    loved one

    about whom you are concerned. Listen in to learn more about who’s who on an
    eating disorder treatment
    and differences between treatment
    setting options

    Deborah R. Glasofer, PhD, is a clinical
    psychologist at the
    Center for Eating Disorders
    and an
    assistant professor of psychology in the Columbia University Department of

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