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    Tuesday, August 5, 2014

    How does your primary care doctor coordinate with your psychiatrist?

    By Pierre
    Gingerich-Boberg, Medical Student

    Reviewed by Claudia
    Reardon, MD

    I’m stuck in behaviors
    that are making me unhealthy.  My smoking
    makes my asthma worse, and I don’t want to end up with emphysema like my dad.  I smoke when I’m anxious, and my finances, my
    teenager, my boss, and my increasing weight all make me anxious.  Now to top it off, my chronic headaches are
    getting worse.  My problems are physical,
    but I know they’re also mental.  But the
    idea of seeing a psychiatrist makes me even more anxious!  What should I do?

    Patients need primary care doctors who can comprehensively
    address the varied aspects of their physical and mental health. Health systems
    are starting to recognize that multi-disciplinary teams (sometimes called patient-centered medical homes) can be
    an effective way to provide
     How might this look for our example

    First, it’s worth noting that traditional primary care doctors
    already spend a lot of effort helping patients with a wide spectrum of behavior
    issues.  We saw this for our example patient.
     Her anxiety is an example of a classic mental health problem—others
    might be depression, panic attacks, and addictions. Primary care docs refer some
    of these patients to psychiatrists, but primary care docs are treating the
    majority directly.  Our patient’s
    headaches are likely a functional
    Like irritable bowel syndrome and general aches and pains,
    headaches are real problems that often defy simple solutions.  Standard treatments focus on limiting symptoms
    while helping patients cope with the stressors and psychological distress that often
    contribute.  Finally, our patient faces
    problems with health-related behaviors including
    tobacco use, diet, and stress management. 
    These and other common behaviors are hugely important for the development
    of chronic diseases.  

    Our patient’s picture might seem complex, but primary care
    doctors face such complexity (and more) every day! Frankly, patients often are
    dealing with too much for their doctors to address optimally in a 15-20 minute
    time slot. One approach is to triage—to ask what’s treatable and doable, and
    what can wait until the next appointment. The limited time
    available for counseling tends to push primary care doctors toward relying on
    treatment with psych meds.
    A second approach is to refer the patient to
    a psychiatrist.  But psychiatrists in
    many communities are spread too thin, so patients often wait weeks or months
    for an appointment. Then there’s stigma--our example patient’s anxiety around
    psychiatric care is actually pretty typical. 
    This helps push up no-show rates for first visits with a psychiatrist to
    30 or 40%.  It’s no wonder that careful
    studies show that only a fraction of the mental health problems in our
    communities are ever diagnosed, and fewer still are adequately treated.

    A third option returns us to the medical
    concept.  At the VA and increasingly
    in federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), mental health services are being
    brought into the primary care setting. 
    Here, behavioral health consultants
    (BHCs) share space with primary care doctors. 
    These are generally psychologists or social workers, that is,
    non-physicians. BHCs’ schedules are intentionally left mostly open, so that they’re
    available to see patients immediately after a non-threatening ‘warm handoff’
    from the primary care doc.  The BHC can offer
    expert counseling for the patient, and advise the primary care provider on
    diagnosis and treatment.  BHCs arrange
    for a small subset of their patients to get a subsequent visit with a psychiatrist
    (a specialist physician), who is also in-house. 
     All the BHC patients get
    systematic evaluation and follow-up by phone or with visits to make sure their
    needs don’t fall through the cracks.

    When a behavioral health consultation system is in place,
    problems of waiting times, missed appointments, and incomplete records are
    eliminated for most behavioral health visits. 
    Primary care docs have more time to focus on medical issues, while
    getting the expert consultation they need to optimize behavioral health care
    for their patients. Finally, because most behavioral issues can be addressed efficiently
    by BHCs, specialty psychiatrists are not so swamped, and waiting times can be
    greatly shortened for the small group of patients needing psychiatric care beyond
    what can be managed in the primary care setting.

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